Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When I was in New York, I had the chance of attending a conference by Ed Catmull (thanks to John Canemaker). What struck me as fascinating is the very clear business mind that Ed has. He is not just a major scientist and a person who appears to be a great human being, he also appears to have a feel for managing a huge group of people and learning from his mistakes like few people I know. I was left with the feeling that he should really write a whole book about management (complete with anecdotes linked to his professional career, of course).

What is even more suprising is that there seem to be quite a few other people at Pixar with similar gifts and not all of them are business people. One of them is no other than Brad Bird. You do not believe me, then check this outstanding interview mentioned a few days ago by Mark Mayerson on his blog. To access it, use the following username: and password: 142)

Also not to be missed today are:

- The Return of the Gremlins by Wade Sampson
- You will never believe the real origin of Phantom Canyon's inhabitants ! by Alain Littaye

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